Saturday, September 1, 2012

No Hope For Deported Cubans

No.1 Article of Federal Inmate Search Miami

The situation for Cubans with order of deportation in the United States is critical, and the Us government should do something to pardon at least those with nonviolent crimes that also maintained good behavior while on probation which are the majority of the deportees.

Once you've committed a crime it could be a misdemeanor or a felony offense you have to do your time, and that's equal for citizens or residents but citizens are eligible for early publish plus the good time for good behavior while incarcerated. Instead for Cuban residents the good time it is all they get as a advantage because they are not eligible and this are the rules of the Bureau Of Prisons, so Cubans are force to do their whole sentences.

Federal Inmate Search Miami

This is not all, when they ultimately close their time Cubans are picked up from prison by The group Of Homeland safety (Ice) who transport them to Immigration Detention Centers " an additional one prison" like Krome in Miami, Guacula, and Glades also in Florida state where the food and the environment is unpleasant, and Cubans could be replacement overnight and without prior notice to any location within the nation do not matter if you live in Miami you could go as far as the state of Texas chain up from wrist to waist to ankles, by plane so fantasize the discomfort.

No Hope For Deported Cubans

The group of Homeland dictates that Cubans shall remain in Detention Centers for a minimum of ninety days, but before Cubans are force to appear in front of an Immigration Judge who tells you " if you sign your voluntary deportation from the United States you are free within a week or two, so what do you want to do Mr?"

Of course if you been in prison for lets say four long years do not you want to be publish and go home to your wife and children or your family? (Yes) so you sign that order of deportation no questions ask without even measuring hereafter consequences.

Now if you do not sign that order of deportation the time you had the opening to see the Immigration Judge, be put in order to wait at least two month to go in front of a Judge again and the ninety days waiting period for a Cuban to get publish begins after you see a Judge, and He/She makes the final decision on your case which is right on your deportation; so Cubans are force to give up and sign or they remain there. God knows how long.

Once a Cuban sign that order they are appointed a deportation officer who gets your file and enumerate it, and it is up to this officer if you as a Cuban deportee get publish and if you by opening ask about your publish the first thing that come out of the officer mouth is that they have up to ninety days to make a decision. First this officer try to perceive one of your relatives to see if this member of your house accept to take you under his roof, if you as a Cuban detainee felt to furnish an address for you to go to, chances are you never get out and forget it if you have any prior violence on your file record.

If you are one of the lucky ones and get out, now you face a Federal probation for the crime you did plus an supplementary probation with Homeland safety for (Life) if you wish to stay in the Us territory.

The rules and regulations of the Federal probation and those of Homeland safety are almost the same the minute unlikeness is that with the federal probation you have to send a written description monthly about your wage and apprise if you have any perceive with law enforcement, also you are required to appear at the nearest probation office to escort random drug tests. With Homeland safety Cubans are also required to appear in person at the nearest office location every two month to check on you for warrants, any traffic violation like a speeding mark is enough, so if you have one the officers hand cuff you right there.

The group of homeland safety also dictate minute areas for Cubans with order of deportation to voyage by land with permission or by sea which is no more than 3 maritime miles, others can not even be near a beach.

All of this because there is no Immigration treaty between the Us and the Cuban government accepting deportees in Cuba, some Cubans caught in the process said that their life are hopeless and miserable, that they feel like life has gone to an end, without stability, that they wish that they could start a new life like a quarterly habitancy here in the Us that committed a crime and now got his life back with new dreams, and a lot of them are habitancy that lived in this country for more than 15 to 25 years as good residents with a clear history on their records an a efficient life, until they carry out their crimes. The majority nonviolent crimes, This habitancy worked hard and paid their taxes all those years.

The government should enumerate their cases and give the nonviolent ones a opening to get back their resident status. Cubans have house back in the island and because they are no longer residents, they are not allow to voyage and see their mothers, fathers and children. Does a human being that committed a crime and already paid for it to society deserves to pay such a hardship for life?

updated blog post No Hope For Deported Cubans

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