Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Federal Prison consultant Predicts Many Indictments From Financial emergency

A Federal Prison advisor who advises white collar defendants on how to prepare for their prison terms predicts that many population in the financial sector will be indicted.

Geoff Mousseau, owner of White Collar Sentencing Consultants, Inc. In Los Angeles, stated his view at a meeting last evening.

Given the magnitude of this emergency and the need for government intervention to stabilize the financial markets, it is no surprise that criminal investigations have commenced. It is also fair to assume, for these same reasons, that charges will be filed against many, many individuals from this industry.

Unlike the fallout from the stock selection back-dating scandal two years ago, where experts incorrectly staggering a wave of criminal prosecutions, the targets of the current investigations are of a lower profile and have much less political clout.

The targets of the new investigations should be involved about the threat of enormous prison sentences. Current federal sentencing law has evolved modestly while new years as a corollary of consummate Court cases. These consummate Court cases permit federal trial judges to have more latitude when issuing criminal sentences. In practice, however, most judges issue sentences that are very close to the terms prescribed by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.

The sentences prescribed by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for white collar offenders depend heavily on the amount of money complex in the case. For example, if two defendants are both convicted of fraud, the man who obtained more money from his fraud will receive a longer sentence.

And the amount of money complex does not need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt for purposes of sentencing. The evidentiary standard is lower than what is normally required for proof in a criminal case.

The current financial emergency involves amounts of money that are unimaginably large. For this suspect alone, the population expensed with crimes arising out of this emergency will face the threat of prison terms measured in decades, rather than in years.

This threat has other ramifications as well. One of the factors used by the Bureau of Prisons when it assigns inmates to prison is the length of the sentence. Under the Bop rules, anyone who receives a sentence longer than 10 years will not qualify to go to a prison camp. They will be assigned to a prison will cell-blocks, bars, and razor wire fences.

What do you do then if you are a field of investigation as a corollary of the financial crisis? Cooperate. Assemble a competent legal defense team consisting of attorneys, economists and sentencing consultants. prepare for your negotiations with prosecutors like you were negotiating for your life, because you will be.

straight from the source Federal Prison consultant Predicts Many Indictments From Financial emergency straight from the source

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