Saturday, August 4, 2012

Can America End Up With Civilian Prison Labor Camps?

Our American Army units are legally authorized to build civilian prisoner labor camps on the very lands of soldiery installations that our taxes pay for. These actions are authorized by a minute known regulation which permits these acts under the ask of the Bureau of Prisons. This regulation is Army Regulation 210-35. This is not a newly established law laid out by the Obama supervision but rather one that was defined under the Bush supervision when they were expanding the presidential powers while any crisis situation.

This regulation clearly defines the Army's purpose in establishing the prison camps within Army installations for purposes of utilizing nonviolent civilian inmates into a unified labor pool for working on the definite portions of federal land. The U.S. Attorney normal will handle the responsibility for availing to the various heads of distinct departments, which incidentally includes the Army, of the services of prisoners for tasks such as works projects which are funded by Congress. Currently the agenda restricts the prisoners to those under control of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

This is merely an supplementary part of the declared powers that President Bush had signed in the name of the Presidential National security Directive estimate 51 and the intimately followed Presidential Homeland security Directive estimate 20 which granted him dictatorial powers in the event he declared the country to be in a state of national emergency. Those who may be customary with these old directives will effortlessly recall how they defined catastrophic crisis in a rather loose manner referencing an incident with no regard to location which results in greatest levels of casualties or severely affects the normal population.

Whenever the nation's president determines that a catastrophic crisis exists he can invoke these directives and immediately take control of all governmental functions along with those of the federal, all state, all local as well as territorial or tribal levels. He is also afforded the power to direct secret activities in order to assure that America emerges successfully from the emergency.

What this amounts to is that our president at his personal estimation can declare a national crisis and invoke the powers that congress has allowed him to sustain for himself. Yes, these same powers that would normally be reserved only for dictators in a third world country. The last time that civilians in America were incarcerated in Army installations was while World War Ii when the Japanese were placed in concentration camps. Of interest in this opinion is that Fort Dix New Jersey has two civilian labor camps established on its property. One of these camps is federally sponsored while the second is state owned. It is not unusual to find that Fort Dix routinely makes use of inmate labor for maintenance of the grounds and other minor hand-operated labor tasks.

Copyright @2009 Joseph Parish

I was reading this Can America End Up With Civilian Prison Labor Camps? I was reading this

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