Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Economic, Environmental, and collective Alchemy

###Economic, Environmental, and collective Alchemy###

Economic, Environmental, And group Alchemy

Federal Inmates

A Pending Crisis: Introduction To The gift State

America, a few decades ago- just after Wwii, led the international shop with about 70% of the world economy: This is when other nations looked to us for manufactured goods and technology. Ten years ago, we were still important the world cheaper at about 50%. Today (2007) America is shortening out while other nations are going robust and booming: American only makes about 20% of the world cheaper now.

The National Debt is 9.1 trillion dollars.... And it keeps getting bigger. What schedule is out there that is remedial to reducing it? If the government can't pay it off, then the American citizens will have to: by labor and/or land. It will be a horror for Americans if the Federal government states to the international money shop that is filing bankruptcy.

While America also leads a war that is costing it billions of dollars each year (spending more than any other nation on it worldwide), it isn't helping cut oil costs, food costs, or our labor costs: America- its government and its citizens- for the most part, buy products and labor from foreign markets. Each year, financiers expect- and comprise on investment accounts, inflation to our Us dollar: about 4% inflation. At the same time, Canadian currency is deflating (becoming more valuable). Is there some mystery to this? Not really: the national and international stock and money markets can show you exactly what is happening. Ok- so there is doubt here and many ask "how can you prove that to all of us non-trader pros?"

Here is the answer:

The most important way to tell if a nation's cheaper is doing well is to look at its imports and exports.

The Net Balance: Exports - Imports = The Nation'S Economic Status.

If a country is selling (exporting) more than it is buying (importing) then it has a inevitable money flow and its cheaper gets stronger. If a country is importing more than it is exporting- then just the opposite: it is losing money in change for material goods, assistance or labor.

A Biology episode in Economics, Sociology, and Environment:

The Micro and Macro scales parallel each other.

Cells, like people, live off of things going in and out of the body: food goes in- vigor and waste goes out. Basically, what isn't needed for one has a different use and need in some other realm of biology or ecology.
Let's look at the cell now and liken it to-- let's say, America. Well, cells need inevitable things to keep it going like: metals (metal products), sugars (food), enzymes (work/ services), proteins (people), etc. And the way these things go in and out of it is by crossing a cell membrane (the American boarder). A inevitable media, known as water (money/ currency) is very much responsible for the carrying of these cell needs (Products) to where ever there seems to be a need for it (customers/ clients/ buyers). Our Constitution- its articles, amendments, etc. Is like the (Nucleolus) Dna at the very center of the cell of which the Federal Government is like the enveloping outer nucleus, protecting the Dna and regulating the overall activities going on inside of the cell agreeing to the same program.

Now that we have all the part identified, let us now looks at the international cheaper of this American cell: its interaction with other cells and it environment (other countries and the earth in general). There are many ways that a cell can die, the arresting of which mostly given to our division of defense within the Federal Government (immune system), but there is much which is handled by its other members (citizens, companies, organizations) to which the majority of the actions no ifs ands or buts takes place in inter-cellular economy. The condition factor addressed here in cell-biology is call Hypotonic Osmosis and in sociology/economics known as affluenza and inflation. Global cheaper is the macro-scale where all entities strive for equilibrium in needs; regulated by the furnish and examine that each has to offer. What is happening is that is this American cell, including most of its members, has ingested a whole lot of "needs"- in fact, too much. As a majority, we are no ifs ands or buts in excess of "needs," or "material goods," and we don't send out our unwanted excess for re-use.
"All substances are poison; there is none which is not a poison. The dose differentiates a poison and a remedy. The dose makes the poison." - Paracelsus

The way cells and other biological bodies cope excess is by removing it from the principles and passing it on to some other body or principles that has a method of using what the other can not. This American hypotonic disease occurs because we do not no ifs ands or buts give to some other entities (companies and other nations) what we can not use. Instead our unwanted goods go to landfills and they do not get re-used: they are stuck within our American boarders and hence can not pass out of our national cell membrane. Micro-biologically, what happens is that where there are cellular goods/chemicals, water (money) is needed to facilitate the local movement of them around- by natural attraction. If there are too many chemicals, nutrients, etc. It has a high attentiveness gradient and it creates a examine for more money to make more transaction. Eventually, every member has more than enough of everything- even lots of water (money). at last this water (money) isn't good enough to make any one want to trade unless there is substantially more water (money). This process is called, "hypotonic osmosis" when more and more water comes in: drinking but never satisfied. In national economics, this is the same as inflation where soon even excessive amounts of money are not good enough to make entities want to trade and never enough goods to make one satisfied. The sad thing is, if a cell can not open up a way to get what it has too much of- most importantly the goods to which the money (water), will follow- it will at last burst and thus is the end of an otherwise perfectly functional cell.

If the Federal Government and is habitancy start declaring "Bankrupt" (a principal estimate of any one can do it), it can mean national deterioration and even devastation... All in its own way.

The economic disease has its roots far back in history where pride and selfishness was clearly observed and solutions of ethic were given. The root to be compared here is a failure to seek and live a line of wisdom given ages ago:

"Give and you shall receive."

.....And such similar teachings that many deem are the keys to rescue humanity- what ever level or scope you wish to look at it by.

If we are a bit dull to grasp this phrase in economics it naturally means:

Give what you don't no ifs ands or buts need to live moderate and healthy to those who must need to live moderate and healthy and you shall soon receive exactly what is no ifs ands or buts most needed to supplementary the best in your life and in your nation.

**Please note: The rest of the world would be better off as well with condition and moderate relative equality to all.

In other words it might be fair to clarify this opinion as:

"One man's Junk is other man's Gold"

An comprehension in sociology and economics:

"The corollary of this view is clear in America today. Almost every day some statement or article is issued telling us that Americans are rescue too little, spending too much, and are too deep in debt.
Yet, at the same time, the estimate of resources spent on advertising every year continues to increase. Over 0 billion a year is used in America to persuade habitancy to engage in the very same behavior that virtually every economist is telling us is the wrong behavior to engage in.
At what point will economists be forced to respond that using an economic model predicated on the assumption that all habitancy are rational and informed about every decision they make results in a nonworking model, upon which it is impossible to buildings our cheaper and our lives? Furthermore, Neo-classical economics makes the basic assumption that self-interest is the acceptable basis for all decisions. Ironically, this is a view that goes contrary to virtually every religion and group principles in the history of mankind, and is no ifs ands or buts contrary to our group evolutionary development."

Identifying The Problem(S):

Now we can see problems and start to grasp the roots of the ideas that will yield solutions and help remedy our personal and national health.

Mind you again that we are throwing away (and very seldom re-using) our material goods of which most businesses and hence most economics run off. Remember that money is more of a media of change rather than a practical usable good in and of itself.

'American Life Style' some 100 years ago and earlier was:
-Live frugally: Waste not, want not;"
-Take what you can kill and don't kill more than you can handle.... And use all the meat."
-If your piece is broken, try and fix it, and if you can't fix it, then make other use for it or sell it to man who can fix it or find a new use for it.

Our cheaper will never be strong if it is cheaper to buy a new one than it is to fix it and we don't find a new use for it what is unwanted and out of date.

Our "American" Lifestyle Is To Throw Away These Material Goods When They come to be Out Dated And Not To Worry About What Happens To It Once The Garbage Truck Empties The Bin(S)... Or Our Trailer Load Of Unwantables Gets Heaped Into The Landfill.

On Top Of That- We Then Go Out And Buy More Somethings (many of which are all the more un-needed) And Which Were Likely manufactured In A Foreign Nation. Places Like The Orient Are Spewing Out More Goods Than We Can Buy: stock Value Goes Down- And So Does Our Currency. Our Exports Are Very Low.

If we can think analytically and use some tasteless sense, it doesn't take long to mark an "X" and the spot where the cycle of our national economics is plugged.
Let's look at a few figures:
4.6 pounds doesn't sound like much (and by itself it isn't) but remember, the oceans are made out of small drops of water and mountains of trash are made out of ever small contribution to it: Every tiny bit..... Does not help.
Every year, the United States generates Almost 230 million tons of "trash"--about 4.6 pounds per man per day. [503,700,000,000 pounds annually] Less than one-quarter of it is recycled; the rest is incinerated or buried in landfills. With a tiny forethought, we could reuse or recycle more than 70 percent of the land-filled waste, which includes principal materials such as glass, metal, and paper [and Plastic]. This would cut the examine on virgin sources of these materials and eliminate potentially severe environmental, economic, and group condition problems.

Folks, this means that most of you throw away some 1,680 pounds of solid trash annually. By the time it's your turn to lie in the ground, most of you will have made a mountain of trash that is over a thousand times your mass.... Not to be reused again - given the methods we are currently using, if any at all.

Finding The Most beneficial clarification For All Factors Involved:
How have we so far addressed this crisis?
Let's see: (see Url link)

(Click on "more solutions" on the bottom of the page too)
The final and reasonably most corollary clarification many of you are already stewing over is ............................

Recycle No Duh!
Mass recycling at competitive rates to the estimate we throw away will make raw materials ready for re-use and thus not need to import as many raw materials. (This means Americans pay less shipping because the importer Almost all the time pays the shipping too). Less shipping also means less fuel spent in the process and is a plus for our atmosphere and the ozone layer. companies will have an opportunity to originate and re-use here in the States and that makes our cheaper stronger. We could even start Exporting to other nations the raw materials we save if we don't want to re-make products here at home: Remember- the goal is to cut imports and increase exports. The Federal Government and hidden industries could make excellent revenue too by helping regulate such a process and it could even help take a huge step toward reducing our national debt. Think of it: America no ifs ands or buts producing materials and goods again with "Made in America" stickers on them- back how it was in "the good old days.'

Some are keenly aware that recycling is good for the environment (the environment and our Earth has been doing it for as long as earth and life have been around- so why not us?) and just as good for the economy. But the current situation shows it is just not making any real head-way: only a quarter of this sea of trash is getting recycled.

This is pittance to what we are still throwing away!

Identifying Why Recycling Is Only Minimally Effective:

So what is the huge big deal why recycling just isn't working? What's the Opposition? What is the qoute anyway? Well let's see:

There are many (or many trying to) "going- green" businesses out there and Participating in Recycling is one of their top-burner subjects. But the qoute all the time at hand is:

"Trash gets mixed up.... Sorting it out is a huge pain and we would have to have our own tiny bins for each type of waste: one for paper, one for glass (and types of Glass), One for plastics (and types of plastics), and one for metals, one for toxic waste (and types of toxic waste) etc. Managing trash isn't what we had in mind for business, it looks like it might be a bit more high-priced too. So.... Let the land-fill guys worry about it and resolve what's worth saving. Let's just throw it away and forget about it."

What Is Plugging The clarification And making It Un-Effective?

Trash Gets Lumped Together And Thus No One Will Take Time To Undo The Mix. Too Many Don'T Want To Take The Time To Do This: No habitancy And No Business. The only things that landfills and dumps will take out are large pieces of metal and some electronics... And this is what is making up most that less-than-a-quarter of our total recycled waste!

Where Can The separation Of Waste Happen?

►Have Each Resident And enterprise Sort Out Trash Into cut off packaging agreeing To The Type Of Material:

Each Location Would Need:

--A few to many cut off bins agreeing to what materials that are chosen to be recycled.
--And a assistance to come and pick up each locations bins- one at a time.

For Recycling, this is the Best schedule implemented yet. And yet, only so many want to sort out trash because it is so inconvenient... And in many places it still costs them fees to have a cut off recycle truck from their quarterly waste, (or it is included in the cost they have on their waste disposal fees).
Many businesses and families try to participate in recycling to this method and they more often loose money than gain any because of time, effort, and transportation costs to the nearest recycler facility. The corollary of Almost all is that they try to recycle for a while, but at last give it up and default back to the quarterly trash bin. They don't know what else can be done about it.

But We All Know That We Ought To Recycle- but where else can the waste be separated?

Answer: Land Fills And Processing Facilities.

There is already some of this going on if the workers spot large or principal metal objects or techno-stuff.... But that is it. Plastics, Paper, Some Rubber, Wood, Etc. Are Mostly Not Recycled.

And yet we know that recycling is what still needs to happen....

And the only way that recycling can happen is if we have sorted material.....

And the only way that materials are going to be sorted out of our mixed trash is....

If some machine or some one is going to do it: habitancy and/or machines


To get a machine to recognize material by density, composition, size, toxicity etc. And be able to then sort it out nice and neat would be up there with state-of-the-art technology and cost millions of dollars just to assemble a singular facility. Machines can do some work for us, but unless some thing breathtaking and cheap comes through, machines can't cut it good enough. We are back to habitancy again....


This comes to the formidable examine of: who?

Here are the options:

►Minimum wage workers or those who get paid by how much they sort.

They would probably quit the same day they started.

***Possibility: Pay workers higher wages - to and hour or more.

►Volunteers, Philanthropists, got-nothing-else-in-life-to-doers

-Very few would sign up- And even then, fewer would likely stay very long.

►Desperate college students

-They could earn extra incentives like reduced taxes, get food stamps, or receive college tuition money for working there for a set distance of time.

►Start-up businessmen

-Get similar incentives as students.

►Those who want to earn a surprise/ recompense of sorts as the end for doing a good service

-Yeah right.

►Couch potatoes, bums, and excessive Tv and video game players who are on Government Welfare

-many qualify for welfare because they don't do whatever do get themselves out of their
current situation. Don't you think that many need a nudge and need to start doing something that say: dear Feds: I'm broke. Could you send me money to live on for the next few years? Some no ifs ands or buts do need help and do qualify for welfare... But there are many who take benefit of the system. Don't you kind of get sick to your stomach knowing that your tax dollars go to supporting tens of thousands of bums who get paid better than you do for doing nothing?

►Inmates/ prisoners

-Some are down-right impossible to work with and can't be trained to do whatever that involves
following rules.... That is why they are in jail.

***Possibility: many are in jail for less heinous crimes and could qualify to work if they show

good behavior over time: have a schedule to start making them noteworthy to
work. Instead of paying them wages (and more of your tax dollars), they could earn days off of
their prison sentence by working in a mass-waste materials separation program.

Our Next Biggest Obstacle In making Any strengthen Is Convincing Any One That We Can no ifs ands or buts (Or Should) Make Any Changes. Most habitancy Hate And Avoid Change. They Would Rather Keep Things As They Are Than no ifs ands or buts Do Something exterior Of The Ordinary.

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein


Don't you think that we ought to do something about this qoute and Make a tiny convert though?

Inwardly, We All Know That We Ought To Or Again We Have Gotten No Where. That Is As Good As Just Saying "Oh Well" And Accepting The Current principles As-Is.

Economic, Environmental, and collective Alchemy

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