Wednesday, July 4, 2012

War On Christmas? Part 2: Who Is Lying To Whom?

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Federal Inmates Search! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The Truth: War on Christmas: As reported in Usa Today in December of 2005: Last December, a group called group Advocate for the United States (which claims to defend America's customary house values) sent some Christmas carolers over to sing in front of the Aclu offices in Washington.

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How is War On Christmas? Part 2: Who Is Lying To Whom?

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Carrying signs reading "Merry Christmas" and "Please Don't Sue Us!" -- they also seem to have carried with them some rather strange imaginings about an charge on Christmas.

To tell the truth, the Aclu is not often serenaded by Christmas carolers. So it was with some excitement that the staff went surface and joined in the singing. They brought with them cookies and warm drinks to share. One staff member, who is an ordained Baptist minister, did a little witnessing about his faith to some astonished proponents of house values.

Fox News did broadcast the event (as a part of its "war against Christmas" campaign). Although the visiting singers were shown, the cameras failed to include any footage showing that everybody had participated in the caroling. Rather than reporting the facts, the anchor preferred the propaganda: "We believe the Aclu heard the message loud and clear, but they don't care." 5.

What about all of the reported claims where the Secular Left is attacking Christmas?

The majority of incidents I have been able to find thus far that are reported to be evidence of this alleged "War on Christmas" by the Secular Left have, in fact, been proven to be hoaxes. I prefer to call them what they are, lies.

In Saginaw, Michigan it was alleged that Township schools opposed red and green clothes and prohibit singing Christmas songs. The fact is that the legal school color is green and that no such course ever existed. 26In Watchung, N.J. It was alleged that the city council passed a course to start calling the Christmas tree a "Mitten Tree" replace all references to Christmas with the word "Holiday." In response Mayor Albert Ellis said the "Tree of Lights" is sponsored by the local salvage squad as a fundraiser. The town has been doing so for 15 years. The town has a holiday display course negotiated with the two local churches. The course allows hidden citizens to erect holiday displays. 26In Plano, Texas, the school allegedly told the students they could not wear red and green because they were Christmas colors. The district has responded by saying this is not true and never has been true. The Superintendent has expressed discontentment that this story continues to circulate and instructed its attorney to write to Bill O'Reilly, requesting a correction. 26&27At Glendale-River Hills School District in Wisconsin it was alleged that they prohibited any song close to the Christmas holiday from having any religious "motive or theme," yet they would still allow secular and Hanukkah holiday songs. The district responded by saying this is not true. In fact they do recognize the Christian religious tradition with songs being sung that include "Angels We Have Heard on High" and "I Saw Three Ships." 26Lying, by omission, is still lying. To intentionally record only half the truth in order to promote false claims is unconscionable, especially from man who is imaginable to record the truth as a member of the forth estate. The members of the press have an enforcement to record the whole truth. With these blatant attempts at misdirection the agenda becomes clear. This is someone else exertion at creating a wedge issue designed to separate the Christians from the "liberal left" and manipulate the moderate independent voter. Isn't it ironic that these self proclaimed Christians have to bear false examine in order to manipulate the public? After all doesn't their own God order "You shall not bear false examine against your neighbor."

Secular Legislation:

Where is all of this legislation that is being pushed straight through that allegedly strips Christianity from America as many have claimed? Where are all of the "activist decisions" by the courts that have left religion lying in a pool of its own blood about to expire?

It doesn't exist, these false claims and misdirection are designed to keep America from looking what is easily going on.

Take witness;

[S]ince 1989...more than 200 special arrangements, protections or exemptions for religious groups or their adherents were tucked into Congressional legislation, surface topics fluctuating from pensions to immigration to land use. New breaks have also been in case,granted by a host of pivotal court decisions at the state and federal level, and by numerous rule changes in approximately every group and group of the menagerial branch.

One ensue is that religious institutions participating in essentially secular business ventures now enjoy financial and other advantages over their secular competitors. And, a greater tax burden falls on commonplace citizens.12

The Courts:

The unlikeness that the press fails to make over and over is that the Aclu and other groups are trying to hold the government accountable to the First Amendment which prohibits the government from production a law respecting an preparing of religion, or prohibiting the free rehearsal thereof.

There are numerous examples of the Aclu defending Christian Americans and their right to express their faith in the group square.

For example, in 2006 alone:

The Aclu has helped a New Jersey student's right to sing "Awesome God" in a voluntary after school program. 6 In Louisiana the Aclu filed a lawsuit on profit of a Christian man who was protesting Wal-Mart based on his religious beliefs. Wal-Mart had the man chased away for carrying a sign that read "Christians: Wal-Mart supports Gay Marriage and Gay Lifestyles. Don't Shop there." 6The Aclu of Rhode Island filed an request for retrial in federal court on profit of an inmate who was barred from preaching while Christian religious services, as he had done for the past seven years under the supervision and retain of prison clergy. The prisoner, Wesley Spratt, believes his preaching is a calling from God. Prison officials cited vague and unsubstantiated safety reasons for imposing the preaching ban on Mr. Spratt. The Aclu argued that the ban violates the religious leisure guaranteed to Mr. Spratt under federal law. 6The list goes on, and on, and on.....The Aclu lists approximately 80 such cases defending religion in places like the group quadrilateral and group schools over the last 5 years. The alleged war on Christmas is what generates ratings - the truth, apparently, does not. The media continuously fails to point out the vast estimate of cases where these groups that are "determined to exterminate religion in the group square" and kill Christmas have expended vast resources to safe the very thing they are being accused of trying to destroy. customary Values?

Individuals are free to preach on the road corner, that is their right under the Constitution. They just aren't allowed to use tax payer dollars to fund their preaching. The government is prohibited from endorsing that person, or stopping that person. It is so very easy yet there is a huge division of Americans that chose to believe the exact opposite and inquire that their government do the same. How patriotic is it to ignore the Constitution and force un-American values on Americans?

The attacks on the courts and any attempts to pass legislation that strip the courts of their Constitutionally defined duties are as un-American as Stalin.

Using the law to deny rights or to silence dissenting political understanding is the warning bell that danger lies ahead. To silence political free speech and dissent is more in line with policies of the Red Coats.

If these anti-democratic actions are allowed to get a foothold, it will be the starting of the death of America and the birth of someone else giant theocratic government or dogmatic dictatorship.

The same population that are screaming "Beware of Burning Flags and Marrying Fags." are the exact population that are attempting to yank the Constitution and the Bill of rights right out from under us all.

The Religious Right has been very affective in their campaign of terror. They are enduringly running around and bellowing at the tops of their lungs about the Danger Americans Face, the Dangers American Children Face, the Danger Marriage Faces, and on and on and on. They distract the mean man from real issues straight through fear and erode their rights while they look the other way. Didn't whatever learn from the story of Chicken little or the little Boy that Cried Wolf?

There is added irony in the fact that the Religious Right has the top divorce rate in America.9 How can it be that the righteous, who are waging the war against homosexuals in God's name, have the top divorce rates? I understanding the Gays were destroying marriage?

If the Religious Right are the saviors of Marriage in America, then how is it that "90% of divorces among born-again couples occur after they have been 'saved?' 9

Look at how the Religious Right entertains their children with the new computer game "Left Behind: Eternal Forces". 29 This game is a perfect example of the hypocrisy that these Religious Right groups preach. They protest and inquire new laws to safe their children from games that depict road violence or emulate warfare unless that game promotes their world view to "Conduct corporeal & spiritual warfare : using the power of prayer to progress your soldiery in combat and wield contemporary soldiery weaponry throughout the game world." 29 The game takes place in New York City after the rapture. The objectives of the game include creating Christian militias in order to roam the streets of New York City. Simulate Christian conversion of non-believers while killing those who will not convert. After large scale and violent battles players must use prayer to recharge their "soul points" which are drained by all the killing. Doesn't this just sound more like "Grand Theft Auto: The Rapture?"

Then we can mention the sexual misconduct by the conservative religious leaders, both liberal and conservative, but all Christians.

Wake up people. This is like having Michael Jackson telling you how to safe your children from sexual predators!

What's the Point here?

There most easily is not a war on Christmas, much less religion. There is no great conspiracy by the Secular Left nor is there some hidden "Gay Agenda." These are fabricated lies designed to divide Americans with fear.

Inversely, there is assuredly a great and vast conspiracy by the Religious Right to gain operate of the United States and its government, to pass laws that reflect their values, and to revoke rights that our Constitution currently protects. I don't have to make this stuff up, they have said so in they own words and in writing thereby production their thoughts and intentions perfectly clear.

There are those that would argue, "80% of America is Christian; the majority rules." That is also wholly and utterly wrong. The United States Constitution was drafted with a exact intent of protecting the minorities from majority rule, which is clearly explained quite eloquently on the United States Senate's website:

For over two centuries the Constitution has remained in force because its framers successfully separated and balanced governmental powers to safeguard the interests of majority rule and minority rights, of liberty and equality...17

What to do?

We should all be more vigilant in protecting our Constitutional rights. We should all get offended when our tax dollars are used to proselytize or build houses of worship. Religion, like people, should be able to stand on its own two feet and be funded by its believers. If welfare for population or corporations is not good for America, why should we remain silent about welfare for religion? 22&23

The only population that can hurt Christianity are the Christian extremists. If you fear that religion is falling in numbers in America like they did in Europe then stop the Religious Right's zealous speculation towards theocracy in the United States.

The reckon religion has failed in Europe is solely because they have or had state-sponsored and state-funded religion. The Europeans have seen the horrors of that sponsorship and they remember them.

Europeans also greatly resent their tax dollars being used to retain a religion that they themselves may not subscribe to. Therefore, they stopped going to church and stopped believing the myth.

So to close:

The preponderance of evidence shows that we need insight and tolerance to grow, not fear and not war. There is easily no way our tiny little minority can harm Christianity or kill Christmas. After all...

We still like getting presents.We still like the days off from work.We still enjoy the extra time with house and the big dinners.We aren't organized sufficient to pull it off.We don't have the money to pull it off.We don't care sufficient about it to even try to pull it off.Oh yeah, The majority of my fellow liberals, they are Christians too.I predict that the harder the Religious Right pushes their agenda to accomplish their theocratic goals the harder individuals that are liberal and moderates in this country will push back. America is the land of the free. Remember that one person's religion is someone else person's mythology; to each his or her own. Sources:

1) Religions in the U.S. - Wikipedia variety from U.S. Census Bureau.

2) - ("membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, greatest concerns, etc")

3) The Telegraph U.K. - Jedi Knights

4) Media Matters - Bill O'Reilly & The War on Christmas, Religion out of the group quadrilateral & Secular Progressives.

5) Fictional War on Christmas: Usa Today

6) Aclu - The Aclu has numerous examples of where it defends religious liberty.

7) Theocracy Watch - A Religious Right watchdog group.

8) Americans United for the divorce of Church and State - The Religious Right in their own words.

9) Religious Tolerance - divorce rates are slightly higher for Born Again Christians than Atheists or Agnostics.

10) Statement by the President - Activist Judges

11) Renew America - Calling man a liar

12) Rational Radical - Podcast #65

13) Wedge Document (Pdf file), a 1999 Discovery institute fundraising pamphlet. Cited in Handley P. Evolution or institute deliberate upon heats up. The Times of Oman, 7 March 2005.

14) Dover Trial - Full text of Judge Jones' ruling, dated December 20, 2005 (Pdf File)

15) Killing Policeman was a gift - []

16) Refuse & Resist - Anthrax Threat letters sent to 250 Abortion Clinics

17) Majority Rule - U.S. Senate Website

18) McCollum v. Board of Education

19) Eric Rudolf - Christian's raising funds for Abortion Clinic Bomber

20) Ny Times - Run, Rudolph, Run June 31, 2003

21) Ny Times - condolence for bombing reckon may cloud hunt for evidence - June 2, 2003

22) March, 2004, issue of Church and State - "Faith Czar" Jim Towey announced billion dollars was now available to religious charities.

23) Ny Times - Lawsuit Challenges Use of Federal Aid for Bible-Based Counseling 09/13/2006

24) Christians against Christmas -

25) Puritan & Reformed against Christmas

26) American United - The Religious Right's Phony 'War on Christmas': Mything in Action

27) Plano Independent School District - group Statement

28) Find Articles - Jerry Falwell Opens Law School To Train 'Radical' Attorneys

29) Left Behind: The Game - Pc Game that is based on the left behind series of books.

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